Blooket Join


Do we learn more from gaming activities than from memorizing traditional books? Yes, you heard right. I’ve got something amazing to add fun to your educational content. Here’s Blooket Join Play, an engaging online platform for making learning a more enjoyable experience.

And the cool thing about Blooket Join is its equal compatibility for students and teachers. So, whether you’re a student or a teacher, you can learn with fun. Let’s join Blooket and explore this amazing online learning platform together.

What is Blooket?

Before learning to join Blooket games, let’s briefly explore what the Blooket join game is all about. It’s an online game-based learning platform that offers the opportunity to create and share entertaining and educational games. 

Blooket is a remote classroom-based learning platform where students can play interactive games and learn while having fun. It’s a modern game-based classroom that combines education and action to sharpen the brains.

Features of Blooket

  • Quiz games, live challenges, and flashcards
  • Game-based learning for competition and solo play
  • Content creation options for teachers.
  • Tracking student performance through the dashboard.
  • Privacy ratings, community ratings, and leaderboards for control and safety

To make education attractive, students can learn through challenging activities like quizzes, interactive topics, worldly puzzles, and fun-based games. Do you want to experience Blooketjoin play games?

I’m sure you’re going to love this. Let’s learn how to join Blooket Games or host games on your own Blooket account.

Blooket Login: How to Join Blooket?

Creating a Blooket account is quite simple. You’ll need to create an account by following these simple steps.


Open your browser, visit blooket official site (



Click on the Join a Game option ( to start your Game.



As a student, you must fill in the Game ID provided by your teacher to join her/his classroom.(


If you put the wrong ID, the game will not start. So, make sure you’ve got a valid 6-digit ID number.



You’ll find the Get Started button at the bottom of the page.



This button will take you to the sign-up option(,
where you must sign up with a Google account or email ID.



If you already have an account, you simply need to login.(
By entering your email or username and password, you can access your existing account.


For a visual guide, we’ve included a video on how to join Blooket games!

Navigating the Blooket Dashboard

Once you’ve created your Blooket account, you’ll be taken to the Blooket dashboard.
Here, you can explore various game options, view your performance stats, and customise your profile.

Joining Blooket Games by Using IDs and Links

Joining Blooket Games by Using IDs and Links

Be careful while logging in to your course or games because specific rules or time limits may be mentioned before starting the Blooket games. 

How to Navigate the Dashboard of Blooket Effectively?

Visit to play the game. Navigation of the dashboard of the Blooket website is simple and easy to understand without requiring any prior experience. Students of any grade can easily read and comprehend the rules and methods of performing the educational activities. 

Once you open the main interface of the official website, you find five different buttons to perform the activities you’re looking for. Those options are listed below

  1. Discover: Find pre-made question sets.
  2. Create: Customise your question sets or use existing ones.
  3. Play: Host games, choose game sizes, or set class codes.
  4. Question Sets: Access your question sets.
  5. Games: Manage games in real-time, with customizable settings and difficulty levels.

Both students and teachers can discover new question sets, create accounts, play interactive activities, and enter the gaming world to learn with fun. The user experience of the dashboard is simple and user-friendly. 

Additionally, if you’re a teacher, you can host the game by choosing the play tab and selecting the game size (2-5 students) according to your requirements. The plus point is you can customize the level of games and type of questions according to the mental level of your students.

Pros of Blooket

1. Engaging Gamification

Blooket introduces interactive and gamified quizzes and games, injecting an element of excitement into the learning process.

2. Customized Content Creation

Empowering educators, Blooket enables teachers to craft personalized content or seamlessly integrate existing games into their lesson plans for a customized learning experience.

3. Diverse Game Formats

Supporting a variety of game formats, including multiple-choice questions, flashcards, and vocabulary reviews, Blooket caters to diverse learning styles, enhancing overall comprehension.

4. Real-time Feedback

Students benefit from instant feedback during games, fostering a dynamic learning environment and reinforcing understanding as they progress.

5. Comprehensive Performance Analytics

Blooket goes beyond traditional assessments by providing teachers with insightful data and analytics on student performance. This allows for nuanced evaluations of both individual and overall class progress.

6. Multiplayer Engagement

With support for multiplayer games, Blooket promotes collaboration and friendly competition among students, encouraging teamwork and social interaction within an educational context.

7. Free Access to Features

Blooket’s commitment to accessibility is evident through its free version, which generously includes most of its features. This ensures that a wide audience can enjoy the benefits of Blooket without financial constraints, fostering inclusivity in education.

8. Blooket Games Modes

Blooket offers a variety of engaging game modes, including Classic, Racing, Battle Royale, Gold Quest, Crypto Hack, and seasonal modes like Santa’s Workshop and Candy Quest. Players can also enjoy strategic challenges in Tower Defense, survival in Monster Brawl, and resource management in Crazy Kingdom. The platform continually updates with new features, such as Tower Defense 2, providing a dynamic and enjoyable learning environment.

Cons of Blooket

1. Subject Scope Limitation

While Blooket spans a variety of subjects, its coverage may not be as exhaustive as certain other educational platforms, particularly in the realm of specialized or advanced topics.

2. Dependency on Internet Stability

Blooket’s effectiveness hinges on a stable internet connection, posing a potential limitation in regions with poor connectivity. This dependency could hinder seamless access to the platform for some users.

3. Preference for Interactive Learning

Despite Blooket’s gamified approach to quizzes, some students may desire more interactive learning experiences beyond the conventional multiple-choice questions, highlighting the need for diversified engagement methods.

4. Distraction in Multiplayer Competitions

In competitive multiplayer scenarios, there is a risk of students becoming more focused on winning the game rather than the educational content. This distraction may impact the learning experience, necessitating a balance between competition and academic engagement.

Hosting a Blooket Join Game

What if you want to host a Blooket game? Is that simple? Well, Yes, BlooketJoint isn’t only a fun-based learning platform but a teacher-friendly platform to initiate any interactive activity by just following some simple steps.

As a teacher or host, you have different sets of pre-made questions, which you can further customize by including different documents, videos, and images to enhance comprehension interest.

A host can also set the time and points for specific games for students to play that game within the given time to earn the set points to unlock the next level. 

Once the host has selected all the parameters, he can generate a unique ID or Link to give the users or students to allow them to play the games and perform those activities. This ID allows the host to have a check and balance on his class.

How to Host Blooket Game

Blooket For Teachers

Blooket For Teachers

Blooket offers teachers a range of features. It includes game options, student feedback tools, user accounts, customizable scores, and security settings. It simplifies practice tests and formative assessments for students. It increases engagement through rewards and real-time interaction.

To start the game, simply follow these steps:

  1. Select a pre-made question set or customize your own.
  2. Choose a game mode.
  3. Generate a unique game ID for tracking.
  4. Share the game pin or URL for player access.

Blooket For Students

Blooket For Students

Are you a student and want to play Blooket Games? Worry not; it’s fun to create an account to participate. Let’s learn how to create a student account on Blooket.

Joining a Blooket game is easy—obtain the game code from your teacher. This Blooket code grants access to live, interactive learning games without needing personal account information.

Blooket for Students

What’s more? 

Students can earn points by answering questions correctly and can explore new learning modes and methods. These points are called “blooks,” you can use them to buy items, trade, or even redeem for real cash prizes.

If you complete the challenges and choose correct multiple-choice answers, your grades will go well, and you’ll also get bonus rewards. Read more about EFL Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Blooket in Grammar Classes.

This point-gaining strategy makes the Blooket even more interesting and engaging for students. This method also helps teachers to track and compare the performance of students.

For more fun, you can join other Discord servers joined with Blooket.

Key Points of Blooket

  •  Interactive Learning Platform        
  •  Customizable Content      
  • Pre-Made Question Sets  
  • Variety of Question Types   
  • Gamification 
  • Challenges and Competitions 
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Privacy and Safety                   
  • Collaborative Learning               
  • Customizable Scores                
  • Progress Tracking                   
  • Live Game Mode                      
  • Incentives                           
  • Flexibility                          
  • Accessible on Multiple Devices     
  • Engaging Classroom Games            
  • Safe for All Ages            


Blooket is an incredible platform that blends education and entertainment perfectly. Joining Blooket games is a simple process, and you can learn and have fun simultaneously. Whether you’re a student or a teacher, Blooket can transform your learning experience into something extraordinary.

About Author

Greetings, I’m Richard, and if your enthusiasm for Blooket matches mine, you’re in for a treat here. My journey with Blooket commenced several years back, initially as a mere educational aid. However, it swiftly evolved into an infatuation as I uncovered its transformative potential in reshaping the dynamics of learning and interaction.